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The Intro

Updated: Apr 10, 2020

Our Introduction

Hello, and welcome to our first ever blog post at Dynasty Breaking NYC! We are excited about the launch of Special thanks to ZSEI Design for helping us out with the website (Check them out on Instagram @zseidesign). We would like to start off this blog by telling you a little bit about ourselves, and our program. As for our future posts we will be discussing a wide variety of topics about the breaking community and the impact of breaking on the youth.

Dynasty who?

So…who are we? We are Dynasty Breaking NYC(DBNYC)! DBNYC is a program dedicated to teaching the youth the culture of Hip-Hop, with a focus on BREAKING. Breaking(breakdancing) is the original dance of Hip-Hop, and we couldn’t be more passionate about it. Our programs founders, Stephen “Rampage” Difede, Anthony “Trix” Pacheco, and Joan “Blue-eyes” Mera, (and yes, those quotations are for our B-boy/ dancer names) are members of the NYC based crew 5 Crew Dynasty (see where we got the name from?).

Stephen, Anthony and Joan have traveled nationally and internationally under 5 Crew Dynasty to represent New York making a name for their crew as well as their city. Winning events such as The “Rocksteady Crew Anniversary”, “The Notorious IBE”, and many other events, 5 Crew Dynasty has gained respect from the breaking community, and the knowledge to pass along their teachings to the youth of New York City.

Where’s DBNYC heading?

We have many goals for our program, but the most important is to inspire the youth to become the best dancers they can possibly be. Breaking has done wonders for us. It has allowed us to travel the world with our closest friends, taught us how to be confident in everything that we do, and has showed us what it really means to work hard for what you love with people you love. We strive to pass these teachings on to ALL of our students. While our students learn to break, they will learn more about themselves, and become great B-boys and B-girls.

So, there you go, our first blog post! We hope you enjoyed reading this, because I enjoyed writing it. Be on the look-out for the next one; The Rise of Kids in the Breaking Community. Rampage out!

- Written by Stephen “Rampage” Difede

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